Monday, February 25, 2019

Mr Ten Deviation Betwixt Ruddy Os Pith Together With Yellowish Os Marrow

Bone marrow cavity is the cavity introduce inner to the endosteum. The cavity is filled amongst a soft as well as semisolid obese neurovascular tissue called os marrow. Bone marrow has haematogenic as well as osetogenic potentials. Bone marrow is of 2 types: blood-red os marrow as well as xanthous os marrow.
 In spongy os  tissue the matrix contains many intercommunicating spaces which are filled amongst blood-red os marrow. The blood-red os marrow contains the nurture jail cellphone that attain blood cells (RBC as well as WBC).  
In compact os the matrix contains no air spaces. Long compact os bring a centralc avity called maarow cavity ehich is filled amongst xanthous os marrow. The xanthous os marrow stores fats.
Bone marrow cavity is the cavity introduce inner to the endosteum MR X Difference betwixt Red os marrow as well as Yellow os marrow
Red Bone marrow vs Yellow Bone marrow
Red Bone Marrow
Yellow Bone Marrow
Red coloured due to erythrocytes.

Yellow coloured due to presence of obese (Adipocytes)
Has few obese cells.
Fat cells are more.
Produces blood-red blood corpuscles.
Produces blood corpuscles inward emergency.
During foetal life as well as at nativity it occurs throughout the skeleton.
With historic menses blood-red os marrow is gradually replaced inward the long bones past times xanthous os marrow.


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