Monday, February 25, 2019

Mr 10 Deviation Betwixt Compact Os As Well As Spongy Bone

On the Blue Planet of  the nature of the matrix present, bones are classified into ii types:
They are spongy os in addition to compact bone.
Compact os or Dense os or Periosteal bone: 
  • in compact os the matrix contains no air spaces
  • It is constitute inwards the shaft of long bones. 
Spongy os or Tubecular os or Cancellous bone:
  • It is constitute at the ends of long bones, in addition to inwards the inner parts of circular in addition to irregular bones.  
    Compact os or Dense os or Periosteal os MR X Difference betwixt Compact os in addition to Spongy bone
  • Compact Bone vs Spongy Bone
Compact bone
Spongy bone
Lamellae arranged in  regular Haversian systems amongst canaliculi in addition to Volkman's canal are present.
Lamellae arranged every minute interlacing network. Haversian systems are absent inwards the spongy bone
No gaps betwixt lamellae therefore compact bone
Small spaces happen betwixt lamellae, therefore spongy bone.
It is constitute inwards the shaft (diaphysis) of long bones
Forms epiphyses of long bones, also forming skull bones, vertebrae in addition to ribs
Presence of marrow cavity
Marrow cavity lacking
Marrow cavity has xanthous os marrow.
Compact os or Dense os or Periosteal os MR X Difference betwixt Compact os in addition to Spongy bone

Spaces betwixt lamellae comprise ruby-red marrow 
(Red os marrow vs Yellow os marrow)

Marrow stores fat
Marrow produces ruby-red corpuscles in addition to granular white corpuscles.


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