Sunday, February 24, 2019

Mr X X Similarities Betwixt Eukaryotic Jail Cellular Telephone Together With Prokaryotic Cell

1. Both cells are enclosed yesteryear plasma membrane filled alongside cytoplasm.

2. In both jail cellular telephone types, Ribosomes are involved inwards poly peptide synthesis.

3. In both jail cellular telephone types, deoxyribonucleic acid is the genetic material.

4. In both jail cellular telephone types, jail cellular telephone wall is acquaint (with to a greater extent than or less exceptions similar creature cells where jail cellular telephone wall is absent).

5. In both jail cellular telephone types, the major bio molecules are carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids in addition to lipids.

6. The basic  mechanism of deoxyribonucleic acid replication, transcription in addition to translation is similar inwards both prokaryotes in addition to eukaryotes.

7. Some major metabolic pathways similar Glycolysis in addition to TCA cycle are mutual inwards both jail cellular telephone types.

8. Similar machinery of photosynthesis inwards blue-green alga (prokaryotes) in addition to dark-green plants (eukaryotes).

9. In both jail cellular telephone types, ATP is the chemic reveal energy “currency”. The hydrolysis of ATP releases reveal energy that is used for cellular processes that involve energy.

10. In both jail cellular telephone types, at that topographic point are twenty criterion mutual amino acids in addition to genetic code is identical (with to a greater extent than or less fry exceptions) alongside 64 codons out of which iii are terminate codons.


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