Monday, February 25, 2019

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt Viroids Together With Prions

Viroids are small, naked infectious RNA molecules. The term viroid was coined past times T.O. Diener (1971) to depict the causal agent of the murphy spindle tuber disease.

Prions are infectious poly peptide particles causing neurological degenerative diseases inwards humans in addition to animals. Stanley B. Prusiner discovered prions.
Viroids vs Prions 
 to depict the causal agent of the murphy spindle tuber illness MR X Difference betwixt Viroids in addition to Prions
1. It is an infectious RNA particle
2. Viroid is formed of alone pocket-sized unmarried stranded round off RNA
3. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 poly peptide coat is absent. 
4. Viroids are inactivated past times ribonuclease digestion but resistant to proteinase K in addition to trypsin digestion
5. Viroid has a smaller size than viruses
6. Viroid infects alone higher plants (Exception: hepatitis D virus inwards humans is like to viroid)
Common found diseases include Potato Spindle tuber disease, Chrysanthemum stunt disease. 

1. It is an infectious poly peptide particle 
2. It is formed of alone proteins 
3. RNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is absent 
4. Prions are inactivated past times proteinase K in addition to trypsin digestion but resistant to ribonuclease treatment 
5. Mostly, smaller than viroid 
6. Prions infects animals causing neurological degenerative diseases 
‘Mad moo-cow disease’ (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy) inwards moo-cow in addition to Scrapie illness inwards sheep in addition to goat. 
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), Kuru in addition to Gerstmann-Strausler-Sheinker syndrome inwards humans.


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