Sunday, February 24, 2019

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt London Smog Together With Los Angeles Smog (Classical Smog Vs Photochemical Smog)

The give-and-take smog is combination of smoke as well as fog. At to the lowest degree ii distinct types of smog are recognized: Classical smog and photochemical smog.
Classical  smog is every bit good known every bit sulfurous smog or London smog. Sulfurous smog, which results from a high concentration of sulfur oxides inward the air as well as is caused yesteryear the purpose of sulfur-bearing fossil fuels, peculiarly coal.
Photochemical smog: This type of smog was observed inward Los Angeles(1940s) as well as so named every bit Los Angeles smog. It is formed when the air contains  NO2 and hydrocarbons as well as the mixture is exposed to sunlight. As the reaction receive got house inward the presence of calorie-free to shape the smog, it is called photochemical smog.
The give-and-take smog is combination of smoke as well as fog MR X Difference betwixt London Smog as well as Los Angeles Smog (Classical Smog vs Photochemical Smog)
London Smog vs Los Angeles Smog (Main constituents as well as chemistry)
Classical Smog vs Photochemical Smog
London smog
Classical smog
Los Angeles smog 
Photochemical smog
This type of smog is kickoff observed inward 1952 inward London.
This type of smog was kickoff observed  in 1943 inward Los Angeles.
It involves smoke as well as fog (smog)
The give-and-take smog is misnomer hither every bit it does non involve whatever smoke or fog.
It is formed due to presence of SO2 as well as humidity inward the air which combine to shape H2SO4 (Sulphuric acid) fog which deposits on the particulates. Therefore London smog  is every bit good known every bit Sulfurous smog
It is formed due to photochemical reaction (presence of sunlight) taking house when air contains NO2 as well as hydrocarbons forming toxic chemicals similar peroxyacylnitrates (PAN), Ozone etc.. 
Los Angeles smog is every bit good known every bit Photochemical smog.
It is reducing* inward character. Chemically it is reducing mixture  as well as so is called reducing smog.
It is oxidizing* inward character. It has high concentration of oxidizing agents so it is known every bit oxidizing smog.
It causes bronchitis irritation, i.e., problem inward the lungs.
It causes irritation inward the eyes.
It is formed inward the months of wintertime peculiarly inward the forenoon hours when temperature is low.
It is formed inward the months of summertime during afternoon when at that spot is brilliant sunlight as well as so that photochemical reactions tin post away receive got place.
*Reduction: inward uncomplicated price add-on of hydrogen
*Oxidation: add-on of oxygen


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