Sunday, February 24, 2019

Mr 10 Divergence Betwixt B Lymphocytes In Addition To T Lymphocytes (B Jail Cellular Telephone Vs T Cell)

Lymphocytes are mononucleate, nongranular leukocytes of lymphoid tissue, participating inwards immunity. They are institute inwards blood, lymph in addition to lymphoid  tissues such every bit spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils, Peyer’s patches, appendix. etc. 
The lymphocytes are of 2 types. They are B lymphocytes in addition to T lymphocytes.

Comparison of B in addition to T cells  (B jail cellular telephone vs T cell)
B cells
T cells
Origin : Bone marrow inwards adults
Origin :Bone marrow inwards adults
Maturation : Lymphoid tissue or os marrow; Bursa of Fabricius inwards birds
Maturation: Thymus
Longevity : Short (Few days to a week)
Longevity :Long (Months to years)
Complement receptors : Present
Complement receptors: Absent
Surface immunoglobulins :Present
Surface immunoglobulins :Absent
Proliferation : Proliferate upon antigenic stimulation, differentiate into plasma in addition to retention cells
Proliferation : Proliferate upon antigenic stimulation
Type of immunity :  Humoral immunity
Type of immunity ;Cell mediated in addition to humoral
Secretary production :Antibodies
Secretary production : Lymphokines
Distribution :
High inwards spleen, lymph nodes, os marrow in addition to other lymphoid tissues, Low inwards blood
High inwards blood, lymph in addition to lymphoid tissue
Types in addition to Functions

  • Memory cells- along lived jail cellular telephone responsible for the anamnestic response.
  • Plasma cell- a jail cellular telephone arising from a B jail cellular telephone that manufactures specific antibodies

Types in addition to Functions

  • Tc Cell- Lysis cells recognized every bit non self in addition to parasite infected cells.
  • TH cell- It is necessary for B jail cellular telephone activation yesteryear T-dependent antigens in addition to T effector cell.
  • T regulator cell- It develops into TH or Ts cells in addition to command residual betwixt enhancement in addition to suppression of reply to antigen.
  • Ts cell: It blocks induction  in addition to or/ activation of TH cells in addition to B cells. It helps hold tolerance.
  • TD TH cell: It provides protection against infectious agents, mediates inflammation in addition to activates macrophages inwards delayed type hypersensitivity
  • Null cells- Lymphocytes that lacks surface jail cellular telephone markers.


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