Photosynthesis is exactly defined as, formation of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide too H2O past times illuminated greenish cells of plants, oxygen too H2O beingness the past times products". inwards other words, capture of photons of lite past times greenish establish cells too conversion of their radiant unloose energy into chemic shape of unloose energy is called photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis In Higher Plants
1. Chlorophyll a too Chlorophyll b pigments are involved largely too they are enclosed inwards the grana of the chloroplast.
2. Both PS I too PSII are involved.
3. Blue too ruby-red lights are used for photosynthesis.
4. H2O is used equally the electron donor. During photolysis of H2O inwards lite reaction, oxygen is liberated.
5. Here photosynthesis is endothermic (energy consuming)

Photosynthesis In Bacteria
1. Bacteriochlorophyll is involved too they are enclosed inwards the thylakoids inwards cytoplasm.
2. Only PS I is involved.
3. Infrared lite is used for photosynthesis.
4. Since H2O is non used equally electron donar, no oxygen is produced.
5. Here photosynthesis is somewhat exothermic (energy liberating).
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